May 2021 PSBC Connections
GPS Children's Program
PSBC hosts GPS (Gospel Project for Students) at our office location on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. Through teaching, music, and games, the kids age 3 and up learn about the Gospel, God, the Bible, and having good relationships with Jesus Christ and with others. We all need some direction in our lives today – especially our children.
Register here:
Ron Geyer, Good City Architects
We are scheduled to meet with City staff in advance of the May 10 deadline to submit our site plan for consideration by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Later this month you’ll see hearing notice signs pop up around the edge of the property as we notify our neighbors of the hearing.
Sherman Construction has measured the cost of the schematic design. In the weeks ahead, we’ll announce some opportunities for the PSBC family to offer suggestions to help the building better serve our ministry in the West End of Greenville.
Pray that we will find favor with the City’s planning staff, our neighbors, and the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Marty Price, Pastor
PSBC: Our experiences over the last month have been both encouraging and challenging. Thank you for taking part in focus group discussions and sharing your thoughts about our church’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.
West End: We are learning so much about our community! Our walks, drive-through tours, and demographic research is showing us just how different our neighbors are. Some have been here for generations, while many have lived here less than two years. Many live at or below the poverty level, while there is an increasing number of affluent families. Everyone we have met has been friendly and willing to talk. While there are many differences, they have several things in common. They enjoy their proximity to downtown, they are hoping for a sense of community, and they all need to hear the Gospel and see the love of Jesus in us.
From Pastor Marty Price
In a recent article, Chuck Lawless of the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) gave several reasons why, in his words, “The North American church is unlikely to experience revival.” God is sovereign, and He grants the convicting and saving movement of the Holy Spirit according to His plan, but the characteristics that have preceded God’s great movements are not evident today. At first, I was taken aback at his words; but then I began to compare them to our studies in the book of Acts. What were the characteristics of the church then that we are not experiencing today, as we prepare to Glorify God by Making Mature Disciples of All Nations – starting in the West End?
Two of Dr. Lawless’ statements really hit home with me. First, “We’re not really desperate for God.” Church becomes a place where we can be encouraged, see our friends, and have some of our needs met, without ever really encountering God. Yet in Acts we see the disciples’ total preoccupation with and commitment to the presence and power of God. Jesus was in their hearts and on their lips. They were living totally dependent upon the Holy Spirit. How true is that of us?
It’s hard for us because we like our lives pretty much the way they are. “We’re probably not ready to pay the cost of revival” (Lawless). In Acts, we see the cost this young church paid, such as surrendering their possessions for the good of others, being ostracized from their unbelieving friends and families, changing their daily schedules to include extended time in prayer. They talked about Jesus everywhere they went, with some being imprisoned and giving their lives for the sake of the Gospel. Again, how true is that of us?
Our “Preparation 2021” emphasis has us focusing on two aspects of how God has uniquely shaped us to reach the West End with the Gospel. The first is to examine ourselves. Are we desperate for God? Is that reflected in our time in scripture and in prayer? Are we living dependent upon the Holy Spirit daily?
The second is to examine our community/neighborhood. Who are we reaching with the Gospel, and are we willing to pay the cost? May we, like Paul, answer, “…For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 21:13).
These are great days for us. I see God moving in so many ways, yet I long for more. Pray with me: Father, move in us, cleansing us, stirring us up, filling us with Your power. And Father, move through us, putting on display Your holiness, Your grace, and Your great salvation. For Your Glory, in the name of Jesus, amen.
Philippines VBS Update
This year, because of the pandemic, PSBC was unable to send anyone to the Philippines to help our mission partner, the Independent Baptist Church of Masinloc (IBCM) with their Vacation Bible School. However, the PSBC family gave a very generous $4688.34 to ICBM to help with their ministry. We are honored to be a part of this Godly mission. Thank you for your donations and your prayer support for the our Philippines partners!