Pendleton Street Baptist Church

We exist to glorify God by making mature disciples of all nations.​

what to expect
sunday morning
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west end counseling center
counseling from a biblical perspective
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psbc activities
what we do
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worship at the hilton greenville
45 west orchard park drive ~ greenville sc 29615
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Pendleton Street Baptist Church

is a community of believers centered and growing in Christ Jesus, passionate about loving Jesus and making Him known in Greenville, SC and around the world. You are invited (and welcome!) to join us for Christian Life Academy and worship services on Sundays, or to one of our many Home Groups meeting throughout the week in the greater Greenville area.

contact us

If you would like to speak with someone about Pendleton Street Baptist Church, please feel free to email us or to call the church office at 864-232-7312. We have lots of information here on our website, but we'd love to hear from you, too!
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